Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Website On It's Way!

Now to mention - Sheet Music for both wedding songs is coming.
Also a new website w/ all music from the Artist will be available early Fall. Keep checking back.
New things are happening!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Finding the Right Song!

You have a lot to think about when you are planning the day you have dreamed about since you were a little girl. Some couples have their signature love song. It may have been playing on the radio in his car when he picked you up for your first date. It could have been the song playing during your first dance. Or even the song he sent you on a cd signed, "Thinking of You." Everyone has a story. But you may also be looking for that special song that speaks to your heart and is about your special day. Your Wedding Day! The songs on this site are perfect for wedding ceremonies. They can be used for specifics points in the ceremony such as: Seating of the Mother's or Grandmother's, Lighting of the Unity Candle, Refection or Prayer time. Or just when you want to longingly gaze into each other's eyes while you share a memory that will be etched your minds forever.
Visit our official website at www.aperfectweddingsong.com and take a listen. Check back often as we will be adding more songs in the near future. Happy Wedding!

Sheet Music Coming Soon!

You have been asking for it and soon it will be available! Sheet Music for both Wedding Songs will be on the site within the next 45 days. So keep checking back. The current download packages will be updated and will include sheet music and chord charts. Also you will be able to just download the sheet music alone. Thanks for checking back. Happy Wedding!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Songwriting is my passion. I just love it when a great song comes together. So many things can give me inspiration, but nothing inspires me more than my love for Jesus. He just makes singing and writing come to life for me. So when I wrote my first wedding song, it was actually for my brother. After he met his bride to be and shared with me that he was going to pop the question, I asked him how he knew she was the one. He replied "There is just not a thing I wouldn't do for her. I feel like she is a gift from God." Well, that was all I needed to hear and from those words a song was formed. You see, marriage is such a gift. It is so important to share the ultimate gift, His love, as we unite together our love for each other. What a special day to share the good news of Jesus with friends and family. Visit the site and hear a portion of the song. If you or someone you know is getting married, please share the website with them. It may be just what they are looking for to make their Wedding Day extra special.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Perfect Song Can Make Your Wedding Day Memorable!

Are you looking for the Perfect Wedding Song for your Wedding Day? Do you want your Wedding Day to highlight God's love and this gift of marriage He created. Then you have come to the perfect place. www.aperfectweddingsong.com is a website dedicated to beautiful music that is Christ centered.

If you are looking for ideas for songs during lighting of the Unity Candle, Seating of the Mother's and Grandmother's, prayer time and reflection, these may be just what you are looking for. Take some time to listen and read the lyrics. Songs packages are all downloadable, so you can receive them immediately upon payment. No Shipping & Handling and no waiting.

Visit our official website now www.aperfectweddingsong.com